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Merger FAQs

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Orange Arrow BulletWill my account number change?

Orange Arrow BulletWill I need to order new paper checks?

Orange Arrow BulletWill my automatic drafts continue to clear my account?

Will my account number change?
The majority of the account numbers will remain the same; however, there is a small number of members that will receive a new account number.

If your account number is going to change, you should receive a letter with this information before June 16, 2018. 

Will I need to order new paper checks?
You will not need to order new checks at this time. Your Coastland FCU checks will continue to clear your account as normal. If there are any issues with checks clearing your account, a CU representative will contact you directly.

Will my automatic drafts continue to clear my account?
Automatic deposits and withdrawals should continue as normal if you have not been issued a new account number. It is suggested that all members update the Routing Number to 265474109 after July 2, 2018 with your employer and companies that deposit to or draft your account automatically to avoid any possible confusion.  

How can I see my Credit Card balance or pay my Credit Card bill?
You can login to the Coastland Credit Card portal to view all of your credit card information.

We will be reissuing a Jefferson Financial Credit Card during the 4th quarter of 2018. Until that time, please continue to use your Coastland FCU Credit Card as normal.